
I would have start this blog post with a serie of pictures from last week but my blog doesn´t allow more pictures. how sad! I guess I have to write a few thousand words instead.

My week was pretty damn awesome. I haven´t laughed that much since a long time ago. Can we just rewind the time? please.
We started off on Monday by going to the big city -> NYC -I just love that spot on the worldmap. We went to the Swedish Embassy to make my sister´s day by picking up her new passport.
We did some shopping.
We had Indian food for lunch.
We went to the Candy King store. I knew swedish candy was good but this time was something special. I just couldn´t stop eating. But it was worth every single $.
We went to the movie theatre and saw Paranormal Activity 4, gosh I love scary movies!!
We did some more shopping.
We had Indian food for dinner. FYI don´t ever try imported Indian red Wine. It´s called Sula and taste like burned rubber. no kidding.

The following days we did a lot of fun stuff. I found a new favorite restaurant Cheesecake Factory, (a fancy restaurant we don´t have where I live) not just because of my favorite dessert is cheesecake, but the food is a m a z i n g!
We rode horese, bareback(?) and I almost started to cry. sooo scary. And Kajsa fell off so she made me laugh again :)
We went to a real family Thanksgiving dinner. Lots of food and my favorite part is the stuffing. Me and Kajsa brought "Soft Gingerbread" (Mjuk Pepparkaka) as we made the day before and people loved it. So did me and Kajsa. 

Thank you for the past week Kajsa & Mike for having me. I really really really really really really really really really really really really appreciate everything you guys did.
Kajsa & Mike bought me a new bike (cuz my last one got stolen) and after that Kajsa drove me back to Vermont (6 hours). A really nice, funny & beautiful roadtrip.
She went back this morning when I had ice practice @6am. So now I have to start take care of my self, again. And I don´t have anyone to make breakfast for :(
I guess that´s life and you just have to go with it.

1 kommentar:

  1. Åh, jag hade SÅ gärna vilja se bilder! Du får prova en annan dag, alternativt byta bloggmotor!=)
    Hoppas det gick bra att hämta ut Kajsas pass så att vi kan ses snart?! Puss /Maja
