... totally into my political science textbook these days, reading the 9th amendment (protect privacy) at the moment. Found out today I have my first midterm exam in this class next week.
I ain't gonna say its gonna be an easy exam since I have to learn a whole NEW government and all that comes with it. it's not just a new government, it's America's government which I just found out is not an easy one... But it do is interesting!
Today we had our second ice practice with coaches. With a whole new system, team, coaches and skates -I feel great!
Mom and dad are at same continent as I am. Feels good to have u guys close.
They're heading over here in a week or so to watch my first game vs. Montreal October 30th.
I've baked my Swedish Sticky Cake five times since I moved here, it's something special with them that make American people don't stop E A T it! ... even though I totally understand them.
I actually baked two sticky cakes today (one gluten&lactose-free and one original for a special moment tomorrow) topped with marsmallows, fancy cakes -just how I like it :)
Back to my lovely textbook & then dream about it until wake up call and work-out @7am running stairs. Let's get big cats!
Klara, nu vill vi ha lite nya blogginlägg!! Saknar dem.. Förstår förvisso om du inte har så mycket tid.
SvaraRaderaJag skulle vilja ha ett kort på din nya cykel, en kommentar om hur det har känts i säsongsupptakten, hur laget är i år, nått foto på hur hösten ser ut i Vermount samt någon matrapport (testat nått nytt recept, testat nån ny restaurang?)
Puss på dig! /Maja